Women in Fintech Panel at Expo Highlights Problems and Solutions

April 13, 2018

Both women and men gave high marks to the Women in Listed Derivatives-sponsored panel on Women Who Shape Fintech, moderated by Diane Saucier, the president of WILD and client relationship manager at Fitch Learning.

Some of the takeaways were:
  1. There is still a “confidence gap” between men and women. For example, women are often hesitant to apply for a particular job unless they meet 100 percent of the qualification requirements, whereas men often take a chance even if they only meet 70 percent.
  2. Only about 7 percent of entrepreneurs getting funding are women. And there are even fewer in fintech.
  3. In the real world, you have to sell yourself. Working hard while keeping your head down isn’t enough.
  4. Get out of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to fail. With Fintech, there is always a real risk that it won’t work (at least at first).
  5. Having an opinion means you get invited back to the table.
  6. Game changers in the fintech world include blockchain, or distributed ledger technology. “We are sitting in the middle of a distributed ledger storm.” Among those working on using the technology are the Cook County Recorder of Deeds and real estate groups who are partnering with trading tech companies. And of course DRW.
  7. If we want to help girls become interested in fintech, we have to start before middle school, and give them mentors and role models.

Article by: Sarah Rudolph – JLN